The Standards for Excellence At A Glance
A comprehensive training developed by the Standards for Excellence Institute and adopted by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence in 2007. The 16-hour program provides operational benchmarks and best practices for nonprofits to follow as they strive for effective management.
Who: Designed initially for executive directors and a board representative to attend together, the program also provides valuable training to nonprofit managers and those considering management positions within a nonprofit.
What: Eight primary subject areas—mission and program, governing body, conflict of interest, human resources, financial and legal, openness, fund raising, public affairs and public policy—and 55 standards of operation.
When: Offered spring and fall each year in four, four-hour sessions. See CNE calendar for upcoming clinic series.
Where: The El Pomar Foundation graciously supports the nonprofit community through Penrose House, and many classes are held here as well as at other locations, when needed.
How: Local nonprofit leaders and subject experts have been trained to deliver the material and bring relevance to the program, providing real-world examples and enhancing the presentations with their practical expertise.
“Standards for Excellence is a great course to increase the leadership capacity of any organization. I am encouraging the Officers of my Board of Directors and at-large members to attend so that we all share the same comprehensive knowledge and we share a common vocabulary of where our organization needs to be. Every local non-profit organization should take this course so that we are a region of excellence!”
Beth Roalstad, MSW
Executive Director
Women's Resource Agency, Inc.
The Standards for Excellence program is supported locally by The Inasmuch Foundation, El Pomar Foundation, Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado, Pikes Peak United Way, and the Community Leadership Fund.
Why Nonprofits Need The Standards for Excellence
The nonprofit sector is under constant scrutiny from the government and the public. The Form 990, an annual disclosure for nonprofits required by the IRS, has greatly increased its disclosure requirements from nonprofits. Websites like and have grown in popularity because they provide public information about charities, which has increased the sector’s transparency to the public. With such close scrutiny, nonprofits must show the public, government, and media that they are doing things right.
The success of nonprofit organizations depends on public confidence and broad public support. The Standards for Excellence provides a strong foundation as well as a clear framework with which to develop and sustain an organization, train staff, and promote public confidence. The Standards for Excellence serves as a model for nonprofit operations and governance.
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