The Center for Nonprofit Excellence Calender
The CNE Calendar communicates events and trainings offered by CNE or those directly benefitting the professional development of individuals working in and with the nonprofit sector.
For more information about events in the Colorado Springs region, please visit:
Peak Radar powered by CNE Member COPPeR
Pikes Peak Small Biz
- Mar ‘16 04
CNE's Nonprofit Day ConferenceCalendar - CNE Events
When: 03/04/2016 @ 8:00 AMWhere: Antlers HotelThe Center for Nonprofit Excellence's annual Nonprofit Day Conference brings together community members and professionals from the not-for-profit, corporate, and public sectors for a day of education, celebration and relationship building.
- Mar ‘16 10
El Pomar Nonprofit Resource Library Workshop: GrantseekingCalendar - Community Events
When: 03/10/2016 @ 8:00 AMWhere: Penrose Library - Carnegie Reading Room- Mar ‘16 17
CFO RoundtableCalendar - CNE Events
When: 03/17/2016 @ 7:30 AMWhere: CNE's Orange RoomNetworking, skill-building, and best practices!
Volunteer RoundtableCalendar - CNE Events
When: 03/17/2016 @ 11:30 AMWhere: Rotates MonthlyNetworking, skill-building, and best practices!